Commercial Model Module Base Annual Fee* AnnualSubscription** Professional Services*** Data as a Service $ A N/A At actuals for any custom requirements (DaaS) Customer Experience as a $ B N/A At actuals for custom requirements (country Service specific requirements, integrations to 3rd party (CXaaS) platforms, Data enrichment, UX modifications etc) Marketplace as a service $ C Tiered Pricing based on merchants onboarded (MaaS) on the platforms Recommendation as a Service $ D Tiered Pricing based on customer base (RaaS) onboarded on the platforms Affiliate Revenue Split Between To Be Agreed Enterprise and Crayon Data *Base Annual Fee • will be the minimum annual price for the modules that are part of the proposal. • This caters or allows Enterprise to onboard up to 100K customers. • This is applicable to every new instance of the platform that will be set up for Enterprise. ** Yearly Subscription • Based on tiered pricing and will be in effect once Enterprise onboards more than 100K customers. *** Professional Services • Will be estimated based on scope of work and charged at actuals for all custom services requested including but not limited to rd integrations to 3 party platforms, country specific requirements, compliance related requirements etc.
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