Credit & Debit Card
Increasecard spendsand usage UseCases Matchcustomerstotheright merchants,offersandproducts Improveengagement Acquireandonboard the right merchants
Declineinspendsacrossallcategoriesandlowoffer take-up rates Solution Personalized campaigns that match With, a leading global customers’ tastes bank in Singapore achieved Deliver personalized email campaigns to 18Mn USD of incremental spends increase spends and become top of your customers’ wallets with the Engage AI. utilization of 4.8% personalized Emails include personalized subject lines, offers vs. 0.22% of non- and a widget with the most relevant 3 to 5 personalized offers offers for each customer.
Difficult to reactivate dormant and inactive customers Solution Finds similarities between your inactive and With, a leading global active customers bank in Singapore achieved finds active customers who share ~22%of inactive customers similar attributes to your inactive ones. Our activated and contributed to 9% of proprietary algorithms match these inactive the overall incremental spends customers with relevant offers based on these similarities
Difficult to find the next best activation category for a givencustomer Solution Recommends the next best category to With, a leading bank in activate India identified's collaborative filtering algorithms identify similarities between merchants and the next best category to activate rank them by their TasteMatchscores, for premium diners was travel. aggregated at a category level. This helps 17% of them were inactive in the identify the next best activation category for travel category. a customer, as well as each opportunity size. Optimize your resources to maximize ROI.
Increasecardspendsand usage Matchcustomerstotheright merchants,offersand products Improveengagement Acquireandonboard the right merchants
Difficult to find the right merchants for specific customer segments Solution Identifies perfect merchants for any given With, a leading bank in India age group identified's Commerce Studio identifies ~90merchants popular with millennials relevant, fast-growing merchants with a high and sized the offer partnership potential affinity to specific age groups at ~$130Mn Identifies perfect merchants for any given With, a leading bank in India geography delivered's Commerce Studio identifies fast- ~$80Mnin incremental revenue through growingmerchants with a high affinity to hyperlocal campaigns, exceeding the target by customers based in specific locations. 26%
Difficult to optimize dining offers from a large pool of offers, to gain traction on the portfolio Solution Predicts dining behavior and develop With, a leading bank in India identified strategies incentivized 1.1 Mn premium dining customers,'s proprietary algorithms predict who use their cards occasionally for dining to customer dining tastes based on type of spend on dining. This led to ~130Mn USD in restaurants visited regularly, preferred incremental revenue and increased dining cuisine, frequency, time, location spends from 4%to 8%in the portfolio. Sends offers that are highly relevant to With, a leading bank in India customers generated identifies each customer’s dining 2.17 Mn USD in incremental value and preferences and curates targeted campaigns provided a 9% to 13% lift over popular with a personal message and 3 to 4 high recommendations. affinity offers.
Difficult to increase spends in the travel segment Solution Predicts the next best travel location for For a leading bank in India customers With, a leading bank in maps the connectionsbetween India drove different locations and customer tastes to ~100 MnUSD of spends in both predict travel destinations. international and domestic travel understands the affinities between different categories countries and cities with the TasteGraph™.
Customerswith the wrong type of credit cards, not suited for their lifestyles Solution Optimizes cards With, a leading bank in India matches the right card to the right identified customerbased on their preferences to 20%of customers who could upgrade incentivize customer spends. This enables to a new card type, and another 20% your customers to draw maximum benefits. who have high affinity to healthcare This is based on their specific usage and education services. patterns by mapping them precisely to identified opportunities to increase different card features. spends by 120Mnto 240MnUSD after upgrading 20% of cards.
Increasecardspendsand usage Matchcustomerstotheright merchants,offersand products Improveengagement Acquireandonboard the right merchants
Low traffic and poor engagement on digital channels due to genericmessaging to all customers Solution Smart widget integration across all digital With, a leading bank in India assets improved Seamlessly integrate the widget digital engagement metrics by 17% vs. across all your digital assets to personalize in random messaging ( real time. Powered by the Choice API, it widget vs. 0.5% BAU) displays relevant offers based on taste, behavior, context, and time. Disseminates personalized offers through With, a leading bank in Widgeton the net-banking home page, on Singapore improved the net-banking logout page with offers, on the total number of widget visits on the offers portal campaign days by42%vs non-campaign days
Increasecardspendsand usage UseCases Matchcustomerstotheright merchants,offersand products Improveengagement Acquireandonboard the right merchants
Difficult to acquire the relevant merchants and offers Solution A new-age offer management system With, a leading bank in powered by’sCommerce Studio, Choice India identified API ~90merchants popular with •Identify, acquire right merchants based on millennials. And sized the offer customer tastes partnership potential at ~$130Mn •On-boardmerchant partnerships through a centralized, digital portal that ensures data sanity •Distributeoffers across all engagement channels and digital assets integrated with’s Choice API •Integrate fulfillment mechanisms that ensure customers can transact on recommendations